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IVECO To Launch Pioneering On-Board Vocal Truck Driver Companion Built On Amazon Web Services (AWS) Technology

By: P&E Staff
Post Date: December 03, 2020

IVECO To Launch Pioneering On-Board Vocal Truck Driver Companion Built On Amazon Web Services (AWS) Technology

The cutting-edge project from IVECO, built on Amazon Web Services (AWS), sets new standards in innovative services for drivers by introducing a voice-enabled service through Amazon Alexa

IVECO, a global manufacturer of light, medium and heavy commercial vehicles and buses, is leading the way in Europe by using AWS’s Machine Learning and serverless capabilities and Amazon Alexa to enhance the driver’s experience.

The new innovative voice service enables IVECO drivers to vocally manage their route planning, check the vehicle’s maintenance and health status, and request driving tips. The voice service can also operate cab controls, allowing drivers to remain focused on the road, increasing traffic safety. It also makes it easy for drivers to remain connected with the IVECO driver community.

The new voice service, designed by IVECO Digital team with the support of AWS Professional Services, has been built following the Amazon Working Backward Innovation methodology taught in AWS’s Digital Innovation Program, and uses AWS machine learning, voice, security and serverless technologies.

“We are delighted with the new voice service, which will set a new standard in the automotive industry,” said Fabrizio Conicella, Digital lead at IVECO. “By leveraging the breadth of AWS’s portfolio, IVECO has been able to innovate and deliver in record time a new service that fundamentally changes the way drivers can interface with our vehicles and our drivers’ community. The new voice service from IVECO underpins the company’s future digital strategy as it strives to offer a completely new way for drivers to perform their tasks in an interactive way while raising the level of safety and comfort.”


By: P&E Staff
Post Date: December 03, 2020


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